domenica 27 giugno 2010
venerdì 28 maggio 2010
Vodafone UK and Vodafone IT
Stay connected...
martedì 25 maggio 2010
Android Camera performance: new Options for preview callbacks in froyo
Stay connected...
domenica 23 maggio 2010
Impressions on the WhyMCA Mobile Developer Conference 2010
Here are my few impressions:
- The event was greatly organized: the WhyMCA staff did a really great work in order all things to go fine there beginning from the quality of the discussed arguments. I definitely must say it has been a "WOW" experience.
- The numbers talk about 250 persons involved, also not italian people; the event was attended, of course by developers, but also by sales and courious users. This is important as the spread of mobile technology in Italy is a little complicated to be explained, but it is anchored to the billing model that carriers created during the latest years: just to understand SMS is always king feature for a SIM data plan as italian users prefer to send SMS than other way of communication such as push email and voice in general. Finally I think that many users just don't use internet data plans just because the capabilities of their devices.
- A lot of speech were about the emerging Android platform and iPhone latest architecture development. A room was quite entirely reserved for the Android platform discussion and I think this is good. Win Mobile 7 was presented personally by a Microsoft representative at the beginning of the conference and also RIM sent an italian sales representative to talk about the BlackBerry cloud services. Technologies like HTML 5 and flash were covered.
- Many Speakers (like me) were not technology gurus: I mean that the topic of their speech is out of their work field and they did it for passion. In my case I talked about Augmented Reality (see next bullet) but in the latest 4 years I've always been developing synchronization mobile clients and API for Funambol. In other words I think the whole event was "Passion Driven" both for the speakers and the attendees.
- I'm not surprised that Augmented reality is so a really hot topic also in Italy: I personally presented a speech that was intended to show how simply an Augmented Reality Application can be created using the android SDK (if anyone's interested, please take a look at my slide here). A parallel discussion track was related to the iPhone technology and the speech was realized by Stefano Zingarini and Lucio Riccardi (I directly worked with them previously to solve some Blackberry signature issues but I personally met them at the event).
In general I think it the WhyMCA Mobile Developer Conference 2010 was one of the most interesting event I've ever attended and I hope there could be more and more like that in italy.
Stay connected!!
martedì 16 febbraio 2010
Augmented reality: new applications era
mercoledì 3 febbraio 2010
Last minute update: Multitouch on Android Google Nexus one
Multitouch and more on Google Nexus One
sabato 30 gennaio 2010
Android Nexus One
It has been very hard to find a Google device right now in Italy as it is not available on the google market, but finally i became the owner of a Google nexus One device. It should come here in Italy the next year but it will be branded by some carrier (rumors say Vodafone) and,as a developer I prefer Unlocked phones. I'm beginning android development on java platform and I hope I'll be soon able to public the first projects as applications on the Google Android Market.
Right now I think the device is really nice (not ugly as the G1) and usable even if it has just a virtual keyboard with the options to edit messages and doing searches using TTS voice integration.
The nexus One owns a 1 Ghz QUALCOMM processor and 512 MB RAM plus an high resolution screen. It is the right device where to run the Android OS 2.1 (It is really heavier then the previous versions). Rumors say that in EU it will soon support Multitouch, but I have to say that I don't think it is so much important for me as a user (As a developer I prefer multitask :) ).
Just one thing: even if the market is ready, the number of really useful application is not nearly comparable to the Apple's one that shows more than 140,000 apps and their quality is not so high. Anyway I think it depends by many factors and soon many software house will create new apps or port the iPhone one in order them to be available for android devices.
Further news will come in next days.